You don't make a photograph just with a camera.
You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen,
the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.
Ansel Adams (1902-1984)
Through my work, I hope not only capture the stunning beauty of nature, but more importantly, to encourage the viewer to unplug from an increasingly virtual world; a world, it seems, too many are beginning to accept as real.
I want to re-awaken something within each of us. Something that lies dormant but waiting, hoping, to be stirred. With my images, I want to speak to our wild selves. The version of each of us that longs for wide open spaces, the wind in our hair, the rain on our face.
The modern world encourages comfort, but we weren't made for comfort. We were made to seek adventure and the embrace of Mother Nature. The reward for this effort is to feel our souls filled with awe at her beauty, our spirit stirred by her power, and the rediscovery of our true selves.
It is my hope that my images not only to transport you to breathtaking locations and moments, but that they inspire powerful emotions that cannot help but motivate you to seek out, experience, and protect these miraculous places.
Standing 3000 feet above the Colorado River, transfixed as the sun sets,
I was overwhelmedby the sheer magnitude of the scene.
I found myself wondering, as I often do, what the first person who
stood at this spot thought and felt. I could almost feel him
standing next to me, sharing this incredible moment across, perhaps, millennia.
Barren Valley Sunset
After a steep and slippery hike, the rising sun burned away
the morning fog revealing this magical waterfall.
Hearing nothing but the roar of the falls, the sound of the rushing water,
and watching the glow of the first light of day, I couldn’t help but believe
that magic is real and maybe fairy tales aren’t always fiction.